modern vertical container farm for indoor planting system

Container farming is one of the emerging grow facilities in the reach of urban people, it resolved many pains like i.e land, water, weather, construction, installation, labor, temperature, save time, money, space and more important all grow factors are in your control at any time, anywhere you can monitor your grow facilities. Containers are fully installed and equipped with all grow technologies. There are many advantages of our containers like i.e, easy to get site permit go with our container, because our containers are professionally designed and meets with the US Fire Safety System regulation and GMP standard.

  • growspec
  • china
  • 30-45 days
  • 100 set per month


smart farm container solution

GrowSpec is a pioneer in the commercial and industrial indoor application of agritech and intelligent planting technologies. GrowSpec provide smart and remotely controlled farming solution for all type of plants. Grow the rich organic plants with unique characteristics and hygiene. We provide you best options for indoor vertical farming, smart automatic farming, unique climate control systems and turnkey farming solutions, Ensure the best quality and reliable services for long term cooperation.

Container Farming

Container farming is one of the emerging grow facilities in the reach of urban people, it resolved many pains like i.e land, water, weather, construction, installation, labor, temperature, save time, money, space and more important all grow factors are in your control at any time, anywhere you can monitor your grow facilities.


There are 2 main aspects of agriculture are taken into consideration now a days.

1. Medical plant Farming (Cannabis,Hemp,CBD,THC etc).

2. Food farming specifically supplement of fresh and good quality food to Urban people (Herbs, leafy vegetables, micro greens & Lettuce).

There are different techniques to grow above facilities to maximize the production and food quality but many factors plays vital role some of them are Land, climate, water, ventilation, lighting & Nutrition. Sometime in indoor or outdoor farming all the grow factors are difficult to control. So, our fruits, vegetable and medical plants becomes seasonal we cannot get production whole year.

 GrowSpec provide high quality container in which you can design the ideal climate for plants to get much production with better quality. GrowSpec provide one stop solution for all the grow facilities like hydroponic, Aeroponic, vertical farming racks, LED grow lights and fully automatic containers. Containers are fully installed and equipped with all grow technologies. There are many advantages of our containers like i.e, easy to get site permit go with our container, because our containers are  professionally designed and meets with the US Fire Safety System regulation and GMP standard.


There are multiple challenges are faced when someone decided for farming but container farming is the best solution, some of them are as below. 

  1. -Capitally Intensive Build out

  2. -Long Licensing & Construction Processes

  3. -Lack of Flexibility & Unscalable Infrastructure

  4. -Inconsistent Yields

  5. -High Operating Costs

  6. -Inefficient Cultivation Facilities

Why Container Farming is Necessary

There are different grow factors that should be keep in consideration in order to get much and healthy production, If not give an attention to those factors then it will directly affect plants, for example lighting,ventilation,climate,Co2,humidity,air freshness and Nutrient ratio. If you can control these factors then you can grow all seasonal fruits, vegetable whole year.

Why need to Choose GrowSpec Container

GrowSpec has lot of research work on it and developed system, it control all grow factors and design the grow environment of your choice. Our containers are fully automatic you can monitor your plants anytime.

LED Lighting.

One of the most important factor for growing good plants and vegetables is light, if you choose all other grow facilities good but you cannot choose lights better then you can not get good production, Grower must have knowledge that which light,spectrum 

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